Artfelt Hints
Below are staggered hints for the puzzles within the Artfelt Book Nook game.
Use the clues on the hints card to help you select the right items to combine together.
Please be warned, that if you click on the solution, the answer is immediately revealed.
Who did she think was watching her?
Hint 1
Look at the junk post. There are shapes and colours which could match other items in the room.
Hint 2
Match the four items of junk post with four books. Inside each of these books is a frame and number.
Hint 3
Use the matching frame and count along the number of words to reveal a four part message.
What evidence did she have?
Hint 1
One of the books shows that she liked cipher codes, Can you see any anywhere?
Hint 2
Look at the pots and containers on the shelf. Can you see any patterns?
Hint 3
Solve the ciphers on the containers to find where she hid evidence.
Did she think she was going to be attacked? If so, how?
Hint 1
That calendar doesn't look right somehow. Why only three boxes, and one marked on each?
Hint 2
What item has three boxes on the left and three on the right?
Hint 3
The calendar, when folded, fits inside each space. Find the letter in each box from the oriental symbols.
Why did she think she was being watched?
Hint 1
The coffee table is so bizarre, with the different holes and strange patterns.
Hint 2
Those picture frames match the names on the Art magazine.
Hint 3
Fit the frames into the right hole, and use the name of the artist as the missing initial.
Who was watching her?
What evidence did she have?
Did she think she was going to be attacked, and if so, how?
Why did she think she was being watched?