Fool's Errand Leaderboard
Who is on top? Who is nowhere to be seen? Who wasn't able to spell that easy word on day one and is still borderline FURIOUS about it? This leaderboard will tell all.
Please note that this leaderboard is being refuelled by humans, so you might be wise to visit intermittently, rather than immediately, as that ain't never gonna happen.
Day 1:Triage (Coinciding with Wales' 'Maple Egg' Ceremony)
1st - Helen
2nd - Jamie
3rd - Scott
Ouch - Jake
Day 2:Clevercogs
1st - Jamie
2nd - Mairi
3rd - Jake
Whoops - Heather
Jester's note: It is good to see Jake working hard to make up for the SHAME of fourth place yesterday.
Day 3:Grubby Work
1st - Morgan
2nd - Alex
3rd - Jake
#awkward - Jamie
Jester's note: Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Day 4:Combination Shock
1st - Morgan (Team of two)
2nd - Aisling
3rd - Helen
Humiliation Level: BOSS - withabambipurse
Jester's note: So good to see the commitment of those tidying footwear.
Day 5:Pathway Home (Third Time Lucky)
1st - Bianca
2nd - withabambipurse
3rd - Martin
Ah the SHAME - Helen
Jester's note: NO apologies to Alice, who made the fourth place (originally), despite GIVING THE IMPRESSION of being up at 4am to solve this one. Go sit on the naughty seat, Alice.
Larger apologies to Helen, who rightfully identified that she should have placed, and had, although it is in the uncoveted place of fourth.
Day 6: Blickbusters
1st - Jake
2nd - Helen
3rd - withabambipurse
You again - Jamie
Jester's note: Those lucky animals today!
Day 7: Snap - Sponsored by Code Bakers
1st - Helen
2nd - Morgan
3rd - Karen
Naughty Step - Jake
Jester's note: Not the actual Step; please don't sit on me.
Day 8: First and Last
1st - Helen
2nd - Jamie
3rd - Jake
Please make the pain go away - Oliver
Jester's note: Non-UK players, where are you? What can we do to get you on this leaderboard, aside from kidnapping Helen?
Day 9: Eyes Wide Open
1st - Alex (recrowned the victor)
2nd - Jamie
3rd - Morgan
My Puzzles Went To Vegas And All THey Brought Me Was Fourth Place - Jake
Jester's note: Helen is safe - we have checked. Step is back on the naughty step.
Day 10: Alternative Ingredients
1st - withabambipurse
2nd - Bianca
3rd - Morgan
Long time, no see, stranger - Jake
Jester's note: Jamies is also alive and well. They have not BOTH been kidnapped.
Day 11: Pentasaw - Sponsored by Morgan's Escapes
1st - Courtney
2nd - Morgan
3rd -Helen
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm in fourth place - Jamie
Day 12: Sliced & Diced
1st - Alice
2nd - Helen (although no name given; next enfringement will be a nickname)
3rd -Al
Humiliation entered the group chat - withabambipurse
Day 13: Sift
1st - Jake
2nd - Heather
3rd - Morgan
Well, well, well - Jamie
Day 14: Trioverlap
1st - Jake
2nd - Heather
3rd - Helen
Will apologise, then get on with the job in hand - Alex
Day 15: Honeymaze
1st - Heather
2nd - Alex
3rd - Jamie
I'm sorry, you can't park there - Karen (who can't follow directions)
Day 16: Starting to flag
1st - Alex
2nd - Courtney
3rd - Jamie
Day 17: Cascade
1st - Alex
2nd - Courtney
3rd - Jamie
It could be worse, I could be - Heather
Day 18: Stars in your pies
1st - withabambipurse
2nd - Jake
3rd - Courtney
I blame - Alex
Day 19: Dial M for Mischief - Sponsored by Enigma Fellowship
1st - Morgan
2nd - withabambipurse
3rd - Jamie
Look at the stars, see how they shine for - Karen
Day 20: Elemental
1st - Jake
2nd - Helen
3rd - Tracy
Go Forth and multiply - Karen
Day 21: Pitch & Putt
1st - Jake
2nd - Jamie
3rd - Courtney
Welcome to this intervention for the disastrous - Heather
Day 22: Reflective
1st - Jake
2nd - Helen
3rd - Al
Die Hard 14: The search for - Jamie
Day 23: Pressing matter
1st - Jake
2nd - withabambipurse
3rd - Karen
SCANDAL - Heather
Jester's Note: It is really sad to see Jamie, who is King of this challenge, LANGUISHING in fourth place. Pull your socks up please.
Day 24: It's a Date
1st - Caroline
2nd - withabambipurse
3rd - Alex
Jester's Note: Please welcome, straight in at first place, to CAROLINE!
Day 25: AKA - sponsored by Scarlet Envelope
1st - withabambipurse
2nd - Karen
3rd - Caroline
Jester's Note: I just have eight names on Ctrl-C to do this shizzle.
Day 26: Esrever
1st - Helen
2nd - withabambipurse
3rd - Caroline
The new Elon Musk - Jake
Day 27: Pole Positions
1st - Heather
2nd - Caroline
3rd - Helen
Didn't get out of bed early enough - Shakira
Day 28: Curdle
1st - Alex
2nd - Caroline
3rd - Helen
Born Slacky - Jake
5th - Martin
Day 29: What a Knight - sponsored by Curious Correspondence Club
1st - Alex
2nd - Caroline
3rd - Helen
Born Slacky - Jake
Jester's Note: Apologies for the errored earlier delivery, and thanks to those on Discord for pointing this out, notably Caroline and Alex. I am sitting the the corner, feeling the fool.
Day 30: Final Mouthful
1st - Helen
2nd - Mairi
3rd - Jake
Everybody's Talking About - Jamie
Jester's Note: Enormous thanks to ALL who entered, whether you hit the leaderboard or not. You have made this a joy and a pleasure!